Notice of Cancellation of the 2023 NZSS Futsal Southern Regional Cup!

In 2023, NZF in partnership with Mainland Football were looking forward to delivering the inaugural Northern & Southern Regional Cups throughout Summer Tournament Week. The Regional Cups were created to provide more localised and development opportunities for school aged Participants to play Futsal outside of the National Tournament held annually in Wellington.

NZF’s priority is to provide quality a playing environment for all Participants, and this is measured by several metrics including number of games, value for money and tournament experience. Unfortunately, due to the number of confirmed entries for the Southern Regional Cup, NZF does not believe the above can be met. Throughout the last two weeks NZF alongside School Sport NZ, School Sport Canterbury and Mainland Football have been promoting this tournament to register more schools however this has been unsuccessful. At the time of cancellation, the confirmed entries are below.


Junior Boys

Junior Girls

Senior Boys

Senior Girls






The above numbers do not meet the ideal threshold of six teams per grade to create meaningful competition for all involved. After consultation with stakeholders and travelling schools, NZF and Mainland Football with support from School Sport NZ have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2023 Southern Regional Cup. NZF wants to provide all schools certainty regarding this tournament as it is scheduled to start in one month and stakeholders have communicated any decision regarding this competition should be made as early as possible. 

Mainland Football and Southern Football are both running local Futsal tournaments throughout March and NZF encourages schools to enter these competitions if they are not already. Please contact NZF or your respective Federation if you require information on these tournaments.

While we know this decision will be disappointing for many players, coaches, fans, and referees across the South Island. NZF is committed to delivering the Southern Regional Cup in 2024 and will engage with local stakeholders to ensure it is viable.

Article added: Monday 27 February 2023


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