Biannual review of School Sport NZ Eligibility Criteria

In October 2023 School Sport NZ commenced its Bi-annual review of its eligibility criteria. Schools were notified of the opportunity to provide submissions on changes to the eligibility criteria alongside a broader review of the legal framework of School Sport NZ.

Submissions for round 1 close on the 16th February. We will then be providing to all stakeholders a re-drafted set of eligibility guidelines that attempt to provide greater structure and clarity from those previously released. We will also be testing the principles behind many of the rules to ensure that they are still fit for purpose and aligned to the goals and outcomes of participation at National Secondary School Sport events.

It is imperative that the school and sport sector provide feedback to the redrafted rules within the second submission window running from late February to Mid-April. There will be several ways to engage in this process and we are thankful to those that have agreed participate in working groups over the next few months. 

The 2023/24 review marks the largest of review of SSNZ eligibility criteria since its inception and we look forward to engaging with you over the coming months.

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