It is time once again to recognise some of the hardworking people and the successful approaches that make great school sport happen. The School Sport NZ awards provide us all with an opportunity to promote our champions, reward our long serving volunteers and acknowledge good practice and we invite you to make nominations for the following awards for 2020. Nominations can be sent to ceo@schoolsportnz.org.nz before Thursday November 5th with a brief outline of the nominee’s involvement and contribution to School Sport or details of the great practice initiative.
Champion of School Sport: Recipients will have been involved in secondary school sport for more than 15 years, have contributed significantly at regional and/or national level and shown leadership in the secondary school sport sector.
Service to School Sport Awards are presented to people who have made contributions to secondary school sport at school, local or higher level over a number of years that are deemed to be exceptional.
Innovation in School Sport Award: The award recognises good practice approaches and initiatives in school sport that are deemed to be exceptional in providing quality sporting opportunities for secondary school students. The initiative may be school based or within a sporting organisation.
Take some time to put YOUR PEOPLE forward for some well-deserved recognition!
Article added: Monday 10 August 2020
School Sport New Zealand
PO Box 621, Taranaki Mail Centre
New Plymouth 4310